You will compare and contrast various approaches and principles that provide the basis of school athletic drug policies. You will be introduced to methods of encouraging student/athletes to follow a drug free life style and of detecting the signs that they may be using. Problem solving techniques are presented that will aid in helping students who may be having drug problems.
Required Text: Successful Coaching-4th Edition by Rainer Martens, Human Kinetics; 4 edition (February 17, 2012)
If your district is not listed OR you are currently not teaching, select your state, click on 'my district is not listed' and type in your district or "Currently Not Teaching"
Please note that you may only register for 18 units/credits within a six month period for a total of 36 units/credits during a calendar year. Any registrations beyond 18 units/credits within six months require pre-approval from the Professional Development Division of DominicanCAonline and from your School District.
International Students Only: Please select IY under the State drop down AND select International for your school district. Please write your school name or academy in the field below. Thank you.
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