EDUO 9138: Nourishing Responsible Digital Citizens

View the Course Syllabus

Instructor: Joe Herz, MA Educational Technology -

EDUO 9138 will explore digital citizenship not as a set of rules but as an organized principals-based path to turn individuals into productive and socially responsible lifetime digital citizens. There are two different texts you can select from to use for the course. The first choice is "Digital Citizenship in Schools" 3rd Edition ISBN 978-1564843647 by Mike Ribble, available online at Amazon, ISTE, and other online outlets, where you will learn how to apply a framework for asking what students should be doing with respect to technology so they can become productive and responsible users of digital technologies.

The second and recommended choice is Digital Citizenship in Action.

Digital Citizenship in Action takes a different approach to teaching students the value of being a positive member of online and offline communities. I would work with you on a chapter-by-chapter basis. There are six chapters. Each chapter consists of five sections. For each chapter, you would prepare by using a variety of available tools, a brief summary, your views on the chapter’s objective, and discuss candidly how you could apply the objectives and activities to your classroom to help students be part of a community of responsible online learners.

If you would like to see the syllabus for Digital Citizenship in Action - please contact Joe Herz, MA Educational Technology -

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Semester Credits/Units 1