View the Course Syllabus
Instructor: Ryan Pickett
Create a learning environment where all students engage in creative problem solving, innovation and imagination. Design lessons that provides students the opportunity to approach a problem or challenge in an imaginative or creative way.
This course is one of a three-part series entitled Roadmap to Student Creativity which will expose you to research, theory, practical applications, and current thoughts about the role of creativity in education. Bringing creativity into your classroom is proven to increase motivation and engagement. After taking all three classes, you will have the tools needed to foster student creativity in your classroom. The courses in the series are:
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Please note that you may only register for 18 units/credits within a six month period for a total of 36 units/credits during a calendar year. Any registrations beyond 18 units/credits within six months require pre-approval from the Professional Development Division of DominicanCAonline and from your School District.
International Students Only: Please select IY under the State drop down AND select International for your school district. Please write your school name or academy in the field below. Thank you.
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