View the Course Syllabus
Instructor: Joe Herz, MA Educational Technology -
Project Based Learning, PBL, goes beyond the typical research and deliver “projects” so familiar to teachers and students. PBL focuses as much on the process of instruction and strategies as on the product. Projects engage students and matter to them. Topics are relevant. Depending on their age, students can be guided or become self-guided to formulate their own challenges and questions and procedures to reach goals they deem important to success. Critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, discovery, use of technology and presenting to an audience are essential, self-evolving pieces of PBL projects.
Required Text: Hacking Project Based Learning: 10 Easy Steps to PBL and Inquiry in the Classroom available at Amazon and other online retailers
Supplemental Text Content: Cooper on Curriculum – email required to download supplements.
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Non-Connecticut Educators: If you would like to enroll in the certificate program, please select the following to pay the $75.00 administrative fee. Administrative Fee: Technology Integration 25
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Please note that you may only register for 18 units/credits within a six month period for a total of 36 units/credits during a calendar year. Any registrations beyond 18 units/credits within six months require pre-approval from the Professional Development Division of DominicanCAonline and from your School District.
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